General Contact Info

Customer Service: 816-283-3167
Fax: 816-283-3173
Hours: 8AM-5PM CST
Address: 1257 Bedford Ave, North Kansas City, MO 64116

Contact your local Rockwell Technical Representative

Rockwell Labs Color Coded Map of Technical Rep Territory

Click Your Representative Below to Email!

James Osuch

VP of Sales
Technical Representative

Rockwell Labs Northeast Region Technical Rep Pat Ryan

Pat Ryan

Northeast Region
Technical Representative

Steve Sullivan

Southeast Region
Technical Representative

Rockwell Labs Florida Technical Rep Chris Iglesias

Chris Iglesias

Florida & Caribbean Region
Technical Representative

John Brownlee

South Central Region
Technical Representative

Rockwell Labs North Central Region Technical Rep Rusty Binkley

Rusty Binkley

North Central Region
Technical Representative

Rich Williams

Midwest Region
Technical Representative

Adam Reed

Western Region
Technical Representative

Cisse Spragins

International Sales

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